Our specialized consultants are here to tailor our solutions to your company’s needs, saving you time and guaranteeing competitive advantage for your business.
Product leasing offers, for free, all services necessary to create users. Then, following the instructions in the user manual, the user can configure and immediately use the product they have chosen, according to their business needs.
At the same time, and for as long as their subscription is valid, the user can request -if they wish- additional services from CGSoft‘s specialized consultants, with the aim of accelerating and optimizing the utilization of the products they have chosen. These optional services can be offered and bought after the pre-purchase of one or more of our service packages.
Pre-purchased hours can be used from the day of purchase and for as long as the lease of the relevant software application lasts. They can be utilized according to the user’s business’ current needs (additional training, data transfer support etc).
The available service packages and their pre-purchase costs are listed above.